What users want



To use something with pleasure is the core of a good user experience. But what designers, concept developers, developers and marketing strategists come up with is often not what the user hopes and expects. But he of all people is rarely asked when designing user interfaces. "Just leave out user tests," is the joking advice of UX architect Joseph Dickerson to all those who want to fail with their UX projects. Another way: "Hire arrogant designers" - more "wrong" tips on how to better not manage UX projects can be found in UX Magazine.

Are there even golden rules for a good user experience? coeno managing director Markus Kugler denies: "There is no such thing as an ultimate UX formula. On the contrary: All too formalized designs, features and functions that are thought up on the drawing board always carry the risk of worsening the user experience". How, on the other hand, open-ended user surveys can be turned into reasonable user requirements, you will learn in this blog post!

UX number of the month

15% - As early as 2005, one trillion dollars was invested in IT projects worldwide, and by 2014, according to Gartner**, this figure is expected to reach 3.7 trillion. "But about 15% of all IT projects are simply abandoned," says Dr. Susan Weinschenk of the U.S. UX company Human Factors International, which has been addressing the needs of IT application users since 1981. Worse still: "At least 50 % of his project work time is spent by a programmer on avoidable rework" - on YouTube she explains in five minutes clearly why early UX considerations therefore pay off.


How does one actually become a UX professional? At least not automatically, because new technologies and further developments constantly place new demands on usability. The experts at coeno recommend Fraunhofer FIT for the targeted further education of information architects, conceptioners and designers, because it offers practice-oriented training to become a certified usability engineer according to international usability ISO standards - a solid foundation for UX consultants.


* IT-Investitionen und UX: http://www.usability.gov/what-and-why/benefits-of-ucd.html

** Gartner IT-Ausgaben 2014 - Prognose: https://www.gartner.com/en/products/special-reports


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