Contract from Dubai: We conceive and design a video-on-demand app for children

Together with our technology partner Axinom, we developed a video-on-demand app for the target group of 3-12 year olds. The client was e-vision, a subsidiary of the large telecommunications provider Etisalat from Dubai.

Definitely new cultural territory for us! But as we quickly realised, digital VoD providers all over the world have the same goal: they want to convince their customers with the best possible offer. And this includes a good user experience that is convincing in terms of concept, design and technology.

The objective: Playful use on tablets and smartphones

All over the world children would like nothing better than to play. And today they are increasingly doing so on digital devices. The aim of the e-Junior video-on-demand app is to enable children to experience content in a playful and safe way. The app is available in the various regions of the United Arab Emirates.

The task: child-friendly user experience

Our tasks included user experience consulting, conception and design as well as UI specification and the development of screens for mobile devices on iOS and Android. Of course it was important not to overstrain the kids. Therefore, we decided on a very easy navigation, which works visually and allows for playful exploration of the app.

The navigation concept - discover the contents by scrolling up.

The design: easy to discover

After we had developed various UI designs, the choice fell on a space scenario. This design is equally interesting for younger and older children as well as for girls and boys. By combining cute characters, a rocket and outer space, a world of its own is created in which the content can be discovered like alien planets.

Design of the start screen.

We paid special attention to the development of independent characters with whom the children can build a relationship. Six different little monsters took part. These captivate and entertain the children through micro-interactions, such as waving or winking. This makes the app fun even when the children are not watching a video.

The exclusive e-Junior Family for e-vision.

Onboarding: Communication via landing page

In addition to the app development, we also dealt with the sales strategy for the app. Based on the principles for good onboarding, we conceived and designed a landing page. This informs about the new VoD service for children, enables registration and of course makes you want to try out the app. We think the result is impressive and are pleased that we were able to realise this ambitious project despite a very sporty time frame. The new VoD app e-Junior is now available in the iOS Appstore and as Android version on Google Play.

Intro App
Detail Page App
Landing Page

Bettina Streit

Managing Director & Usability Engineer

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