Concepted and designed with coeno: MySports for the Swiss Quickline

Bettina Streit


A new subscription sports channel for Switzerland

With the MySports sports channel, Quickline now offers its customers live sports, analysis and talks about exciting sporting events. The Quickline group is the third largest TV provider and the fourth largest Internet and telephony provider in Switzerland.

For more than four years coeno has successfully supported Quickline in the conception and design of the Quickline TV application on various devices. Therefore we were also pleased to be commissioned for the concept and design of the new sports area. The MVP (Minimal Viable Product) for the MySports area is already available on all platforms, including Quickline TV Box, Quickline TV App for mobile devices (iOS and Android) and on the web. Sports enthusiasts already use the MySports TV channels - including an HD TV channel as a free basic offer.

Our toolbox for MySports

Creative workshopping: We developed ideas on how the new sports area can create significant added value for the user. In addition to the attractive design of the offer and quick access to live games, the focus was on attractive and user-friendly extras. Examples of these are: the most important information about your favourite club, an integration of the Twitter feed and a conference mode with simultaneous transmission of games.

Building a wireframe-based prototype: This made it possible to test the usefulness of our ideas at an early stage. The prototype showed how the devices work together on the lead device tablet and the set-top box (STB). Quickline then carried out a user test, which was consistently positive.

Define the MVP (Minimal Viable Product): Now it was a question of making the working method more agile in order to make the offer more accessible to Quickline customers. Based on the feedback from the user test, we created the framework for the MVP together with the Quickline product management. The aim of this was to offer users added value from the very beginning - without having to implement the entire product scope. The basic configuration included: an overview page that provides access to all live sports events via a MySports guide, to MyClub and recommendations; a MyHockey page for the games of the favourite club, all National and Swiss League games as well as useful statistics such as current scores. For the first time, daily tickets or monthly subscriptions can also be booked.

Cooperating and testing: In another workshop with the SeaChange development team commissioned by Quickline we then tied down the wireframes for the set-top box and the scope and direction of the MVP. Then we started writing the use and test cases for the agreed MVP.

Creating the design: Our aim was to achieve the look and feel of a cool sports application. To achieve this, we put together different approaches and developments for a modern version of the Quickline user interface. In addition, in this phase we also defined the views for all devices.

And the result: A really user-friendly TV product was created. Quickline MySports offers its users an enjoyable TV sports experience through attractive offers, simple operation and an appealing design across all devices.

Forecast 2018: Quickline continues to develop its sports division and we are there

Further releases of MySports are already being planned. Special pages for ice hockey, football and other sports are planned, which will allow a more targeted search for live events. The MyClub feature will also be available for football fans in the future. We are already looking forward to further cooperation with Quickline!

Device-affine design: the Quickline MySports landing page for tablets

Bettina Streit

Managing Director & Usability Engineer

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