Interfaces out of control?



At least that is what Golden Krishna, about whom The Verge reports, claims. The author of "The Best Interface is no Interface" comes up with some provocative thoughts about digitalization in his current book. He warns that digital surfaces now affect almost every area of life, which is not always useful for the user. Read the great example of opening a car door via app in only 13 steps.

Krishna is an interaction designer and has worked on the technology design of the future in the innovation labs of Samsung and Zappos. In principle, the author has nothing at all against good, because meaningful, UIs that improve everyday life. But in his opinion, the proliferation of apps needs to be thoroughly rethought. We follow him on Twitter.
coeno has a similar view: "A really helpful user interface must be simple! The user-experience-professionals warn against unnecessary frills, because all the feasible gimmicks spoil the joy of the application.

Do not miss it: Bettina Streit will give a lecture on the topic of "Smart Home, but simple please" at the Webinale in Berlin on June 8.

UX number of the month

60,000 - Our brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text. This is shown in the AdWeek Social Times
Tip: Measuring User Experience - The Lift method shows in a simple way how an experience affects the attitude of customers towards products and websites.
In Blog MeasuringU, blog founder Jeff Sauro explains how it works.


The material design developed by Google is a modern, comprehensive and very detailed interface guideline that helps to develop understandable and descriptive layouts. After closer examination by our Art Director & Usability Engineer Ralf Kienzler, Material Design differs mainly in the detailed description of animation, which helps the user to understand the interaction. You can find more details worth knowing here.

Extra: UX professional Richard Littauer from MIT tests Gismodo in tipsy condition


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