UX Camp Europe 2015 (Berlin)

Markus Kugler


Heard a lot, haven't been there myself and finally got tickets this year thanks to our sponsoring. A short field report about the visit of the UX Camp Europe 2015 on 20/21 June in Berlin.

The location was a bit off the beaten track, but well suited, the catering was really neat, the organization good. The quality of the lectures is of course determined by the visitors at an event that is organized as a bar camp. On the one hand by those who want to give a lecture and on the other hand by the "vote" by the audience every morning. The quotation marks because, at least on Saturday, it did not seem as if lectures had been rejected.

On the first day I was quite satisfied with my choice of sessions: 7 myths about usability tests, lean product development in start ups, UX in a 23 year old software product, CRO and UX (CRO = Conversion Rate Optimization) and the future of UX training.

I found the second day rather disappointing, probably had a less fortunate hand in the selection - only one lecture on experience design was interesting.

Clear session highlight: the conclusion of the 1st day of Eric Reiss with his answers to "Five UX Questions". Eric very vividly summed up the dilemma of our industry and put @WomanHoelle nicely together as a sketch note.

What I took away with me most of all was that we are really very well positioned in our team in terms of knowledge, methods and processes around UX. Whether usability reviews are really as successful in uncovering usability problems as usability tests with users, I have to verify again with the studies that Rolf Molich sent me.

So is it worthwhile to invest money and time (hey, it is after all 2 days on the weekend)? Short answer - yes, it is. In the worst case, the visit is a position-fixing for yourself, in the best case it is an inspiration. And the exchange with lots of like-minded UXers is definitely exciting.

Markus Kugler

Managing Director & Usability Engineer


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