UX Konzepter & NN/g UX certified
Angelika Zerbe
During my studies of interactive media I got to know the most different areas. From Java to Unity 3D and typography. This comprehensive spectrum developed more and more in the exciting direction of conception during the semesters. With this knowledge I was able to support coeno since April 2017. Each project brings with it different tasks. For example, there are those where the product is right at the beginning and only the user journey is developed with workshops and tests. Still others have clear requirements right from the start. In this case, after the wireframes, we continue with a specification and user stories. I personally like the wide range of tasks and the opportunity to specialize in different subject areas.
Und sonst so?
Neben Projekten legen wir viel Wert auf Weiterbildung.

The complexity of simplicity, part 1
The desire for simplicity is evident in the most diverse areas of life. It is therefore an important criterion in the development of products and services.

The complexity of simplicity, part 2
In this blog article I explain the six principles of simplicity from John Maeda's book "The laws of Simplicity" and argue for the importance of simplicity.

Voice assistants conquer the world
Language assistants have been gaining in popularity for several years. Each large company now develops differently specialized assistants for everyday use.

Angelika in numbers
live concerts visited
contests won
years of violin lessons