ebase - finvesto


Initial situation

UX, SEO and SEA optimisation of the website and optimisation for mobile devices were the basis of the relaunch of finvesto.de.coeno developed a new interaction concept with improved usability through improved customer journeys and call-to-actions, as well as the restructuring of the content, and transferred this into an appealing redesign.


During the project phase, a large number of content modules were gradually created. These content modules can be combined with each other as desired according to the familiar modular principle in order to create structured websites. Due to the modular structure, individual pages can not only be designed more quickly, but the transfer into a content management system enables the customer to create pages himself without further IT effort.


Interaction Concept
UI Design

Time Frame

Project period:
February 2020 - May 2020

coeno Effort:
59 days

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